The Adler Ligator: Hemorrhoid Banding Information

Why Choose the Adler Ligator?
You shouldn't have to suffer from hemorrhoids for the rest of your life. The Adler Ligator from Adler MicroMed offers a minimally invasive option for long-term hemorrhoid relief.
Advantages of hemorrhoid banding include:
Talk to your doctor about the benefits of a hemorrhoid banding procedure with the Adler Ligator.
Understanding the Banding Process
The Adler Ligator is designed to provide hemorrhoid treatment that's gentle on you but tough on hemorrhoids. The plastic instrument uses light suction to gently hold onto the hemorrhoid. Then, your doctor can slide a small rubber band around its base. Because the band sits at the base of the hemorrhoid, it should not irritate the sensitive nerves that sit near its tip.
Once in place, the band cuts off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid. Without blood and the vital nutrients that it contains, the tissue begins to wither. Within about a week, the hemorrhoid falls off. Although you may spot a bit of blood when that happens, it's also possible that you won't even notice it. Instead, you'll simply realize one day that you're no longer plagued by troublesome symptoms.
The Adler Ligator: A Better Hemorrhoid Treatment
The Adler Ligator isn't the only option for hemorrhoid treatment. For many patients, however, it's the best treatment choice.
Traditional hemorrhoidectomy surgery is painful and requires a lengthy recovery process. There's no question that most patients would prefer rubber band ligation, a minimally invasive procedure that's almost pain-free.
Of course, not all ligators are created equal. Metal instruments don't have the gentle suction capabilities of the Adler Ligator. Instead, they may grip your sensitive hemorrhoid with rough metal teeth.
Furthermore, some banding treatments require you to fast ahead of time, or they may involve unpleasant rectal suction. Treatment with the Adler Ligator, on the other hand, takes only minutes and doesn't require any special actions ahead of time.
Frequently Asked Questions about Hemorrhoid Banding
How Does Rubber Band Ligation Feel?
If you've heard horror stories from friends who have had major hemorrhoid surgery, then you're probably convinced that there's no way to get rid of your hemorrhoids without serious pain. Thankfully, a hemorrhoid banding procedure with the Adler Ligator is an entirely different experience.
Your doctor can use an Adler Ligator in the office or an outpatient surgical center. You probably won't need any anesthesia. During the process, you may feel a bit of pressure, fullness or tugging, but most patients don't experience any pain.
If you do notice pain or sharp discomfort, let your doctor know right away. Small adjustments of the instrument can provide immediate relief.
Not even the tight band that goes around the hemorrhoid will cause you serious discomfort. While the tip of a hemorrhoid is often sensitive, its base is not that way. Since the base is where the band rests, you shouldn't even notice that it is there.
How Many Treatments Are Necessary?
To treat one hemorrhoid, you typically need just a single banding session. The Adler Ligator is often effective on the first treatment.
If you have multiple hemorrhoids, your course of treatment will look a bit different. It's common for patients to require bands in three different places.
Rubber band ligation can have success rates of up to 97 percent.* To acheive long-term effectiveness, however, it's important to do the procedure correctly. Therefore, it's best to place just one band per session. Focusing on one problem area at a time increases your chances of long-term success and decreases the likelihood of post-procedure complications.
Before banding begins, your doctor will perform an examination to determine how many hemorrhoids are present. If you have just one, then you may be able to have ligation performed right away, or you may come back later for the treatment. If you have more than one hemorrhoid, you and your doctor will work together to establish a good treatment schedule that allows you to heal between each procedure.
Many patients need three different sessions to address all of their hemorrhoids. Fortunately, since the procedure is quick and gentle, having repeat treatments won't interrupt your life again and again.
If you have additional colorectal concerns, those will need to be addressed separately. For example, many patients experience both hemorrhoids and anal fissures. You may need medication to take care of fissures or other co-occurring disorders.
What Kind of Hemorrhoids Can Ligation Treat?
The Adler Ligator is designed to slip bands over internal hemorrhoids. Most frequently, rubber band ligation is performed on hemorrhoids that are classified as Stage II or Stage III. That means that they prolapse out of the rectum, but they return into place on their own or when you push them back.
Those aren't the only hemorrhoids that the Adler Ligator can treat, however. Continually prolapsed hemorrhoids, which are classified as Stage IV, may be treatable with ligation as well. Talk to your doctor about whether you're a candidate for treatment with the Adler Ligator.
Ligation may even help you find relief for external hemorrhoids. Often, removing internal hemorrhoids also clears up the problem spots that lie outside your rectum. If you suspect that external hemorrhoids are causing many of your issues, see your doctor for an official diagnosis, and ask whether internal hemorrhoid banding might help.
What Happens After Treatment?
You don't have to put your entire life on hold just to treat your hemorrhoids. Rubber band ligation doesn't require you to stay overnight in the hospital, request weeks off of work or take heavy pain medication.
Most patients experience only minor discomfort during and after the procedure. Over-the-counter painkillers are usually sufficient. In fact, you may need no medication at all.
Many people are up for regular activities right after hemorrhoid ligation. Others need to rest for the remainder of the day. A few patients may need to take two or three days off work. In any case, you should avoid strenuous lifting at first. Thankfully, a few days of rest are nothing compared to the intense recovery period that traditional hemorrhoid surgery requires.
Light bleeding in the days immediately following the procedure is one of the most common side effects of rubber band ligation. Bleeding may resume about a week afterward. This is usually a sign that the withered tissue has fallen off.
If you experience significant pain, excessive bleeding, fever or urinary retention, contact your doctor right away. You may have a thrombosed external hemorrhoid that needs to be drained or another complication. Fortunately, these serious side effects are uncommon.
After you have healed from your first treatment, your doctor can address additional hemorrhoids. By treating one spot at a time, you'll be setting yourself up for long-term success.
Are You Ready to Be Free of Hemorrhoids?
When you're ready to find relief for your hemorrhoid troubles, talk to your doctor about hemorrhoid ligation. This simple procedure has the potential to keep you hemorrhoid-free for a long time to come.
For the very best in banding procedures, ask your doctor about hemorrhoid treatment with the Adler Ligator from Adler MicroMed.