Hemorrhoids Archives - Page 5 of 5 - Adler MicroMed
Category Archives for "Hemorrhoids"

Hemorrhoids Differential Diagnosis: What Else Could It Be?

Approximately 10 million Americans deal with hemorrhoids each year, so if you’re experiencing anorectal symptoms, it’s safe to assume that they are caused by hemorrhoids, right? Wrong! In fact, assuming that you have hemorrhoids could be quite hazardous to your health. Improperly treating your anal troubles could prolong your healing process or even allow time for […]

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A Complete Guide to Hemorrhoids: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Options

Hemorrhoid Treatment Guide

Hemorrhoids can be unpleasant and embarrassing, but if you struggle with this condition, you certainly aren’t alone. Over 10 million Americans suffer from hemorrhoids each year. However, only about a quarter of sufferers see a doctor. That’s too bad because medical treatments can not only ease symptoms but also return anal tissue to a healthy state. I […]

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A Guide to Hemorrhoid Banding: Benefits, Applications, Procedure & Device Information

Hemorrhoid Banding Procedure

Stubborn hemorrhoids are unpleasant for both patients and doctors. Patients, of course, want the hemorrhoids cleared up, and the sooner, the better. They’re in pain, embarrassed and ready for this problem to be over. Doctors understand their concerns, but some hemorrhoids don’t resolve as quickly as anyone would like. Conservative at-home treatment options are usually the […]

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