neoLaser Safety: Precautions and Best Practices for Colorectal Surgeons

neoLaser Safety: Precautions and Best Practices for Colorectal Surgeons

In the realm of colorectal surgery, the advent of advanced technologies like the neoLaser has revolutionized the way procedures are conducted.

The neoLaser, particularly the neoV1470 and neoV980 models, has become a cornerstone in the field due to its precision, versatility, and efficiency. However, as with any surgical tool, ensuring the safety of both the patient and the surgical team is paramount.

This article delves into the critical aspects of neoLaser safety, outlining the precautions and best practices that colorectal surgeons should adhere to for optimal outcomes.

Understanding neoLaser Technology

Before diving into safety protocols, it's essential to grasp the fundamentals of neoLaser technology. The neoLaser platform, including the neoV1470 and neoV980, offers a range of wavelengths that are specifically designed for soft tissue interaction.

This versatility allows for precise cutting, coagulation, and vaporization, making it an invaluable tool in colorectal surgery. The energy delivery through solid core fiber optics enables both contact and non-contact modes, providing surgeons with flexibility and control during procedures.

Key Features of neoLaser

  • Various Wavelengths: The neoV1470 and neoV980 offer different absorption levels in soft tissue, allowing for a wide range of tissue interactions.

  • Flexible Tissue Interaction: Surgeons can work in contact mode for rapid cutting or non-contact mode for vaporization and coagulation.

  • Multi Fiber Options: The lasers can be delivered through fibers with cores ranging from 300 to 600 microns, offering multiple beam emission options.

  • Office Procedures: The compact size and high power of the neoLaser enable the shift of procedures from the operating room to an office-based setting.

Safety Precautions for neoLaser Use

Ensuring the safe use of neoLaser technology requires adherence to specific precautions:

Pre-Operative Considerations

  • Patient Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of the patient's medical history and current health status to identify any potential risks.

  • Equipment Check: Verify that the neoLaser unit and all accessories are in proper working condition before starting the procedure.

Intra-Operative Measures

  • Proper Training: Ensure that all operating staff are adequately trained in the use of neoLaser technology and are aware of the safety protocols.

  • Eye Protection: Provide appropriate eye protection for both the patient and surgical team to prevent laser-related eye injuries.

  • Smoke Evacuation: Utilize a smoke evacuation system to remove laser-generated plumes, which may contain harmful particles and bioaerosols.

  • Tissue Interaction: Use the correct settings and techniques for the desired tissue interaction, avoiding excessive energy delivery that could lead to unintended tissue damage.

Post-Operative Care

  • Monitoring: Monitor the patient closely for any adverse reactions or complications related to the use of the neoLaser.

  • Follow-Up: Schedule follow-up appointments to assess the healing process and address any concerns that may arise.

Best Practices for neoLaser Safety

Adopting best practices is crucial for maximizing the safety and efficacy of neoLaser technology in colorectal surgery:

Comprehensive Training

  • Regular Training Sessions: Conduct periodic training sessions to keep the surgical team updated on the latest neoLaser techniques and safety protocols.

  • Certification: Encourage team members to obtain certification in laser safety to ensure a high level of expertise.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

  • Develop SOPs: Create detailed standard operating procedures for the use of neoLaser technology, covering all aspects of patient care and equipment handling.

  • Regular Review: Periodically review and update the SOPs to incorporate new advancements and feedback from the surgical team.

Patient Education

  • Informed Consent: Provide patients with comprehensive information about the neoLaser procedure, including potential risks and benefits, to obtain informed consent.

  • Post-Procedure Instructions: Offer clear post-procedure care instructions to patients to facilitate a smooth recovery and reduce the risk of complications.

Equipment Maintenance

  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance checks for the neoLaser unit and accessories to ensure optimal performance and safety.

  • Immediate Repairs: Address any malfunctions or damages to the equipment promptly to prevent any adverse impact on patient safety.


The neoLaser technology has brought about significant advancements in colorectal surgery, offering precision, flexibility, and enhanced patient outcomes. However, the safety of this innovative tool hinges on strict adherence to precautions and best practices.

By ensuring proper training, following standard operating procedures, educating patients, and maintaining equipment, colorectal surgeons can harness the full potential of neoLaser technology while prioritizing patient safety.

As the field continues to evolve, staying updated on the latest developments and safety protocols will be crucial for delivering the highest standard of care.

If you’re interested in the neoLaser for your practice, contact us with your questions or to request a quote.

Brian Chandler